Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why Breakups Were Easier Before The Invention of the Internet

I’ve never been one of those people (read: girls) that has to cut off all possible communication with someone after a breakup. In fact, I’ve maintained friendships with almost everyone I’ve dated, the most notable exception being Runner, but not talking is really the only option otherwise we would just keep getting back together. But even so, I haven’t deleted his number from my cell phone, or de-friended him on Facebook, or taken his screen name off my buddy list. Nor have I done any of those things with anyone else I've dated. Until now.

I’d rather not get into the details of my pseudo-relationship with Mack (not his real name), but I will say that it did not end badly and we are still on good terms. Our break-up, if you could call it that, was not one of differences but of impossible circumstances. I know that I took it harder than he did, mostly because I know I was probably more into the whole thing than he was, and I’m okay with that. Looking back, I’ve realized a lot of things about him and our relationship and I know it never would have worked out anyway, even if the circumstances were different.

Anyway, the point is, I had no real reason to cut off any sort of communication with Mack. But I felt like I had to, for reasons that I can’t really explain logically. But I just didn’t want to constantly be reminded that he was there, a click away. So, the least of all drastic measures, two nights ago I deleted both his screen names from my buddy list. And I felt great. Like a weigh had been lifted. All day yesterday, I felt good about it. Until last night.

For some odd reason, his screen name had somehow ended up in the stupid AIM Bots group, the one where those computer automated things help you shop, or find movie times, or, as the newest one, Liv Greene, claims to do, provide tips on living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. I don’t know how his name ended up there, but upon deleting it, I didn’t have to worry about it. Until his name popped up under my regular group of buddies as he signed on last night.

I’m mystified. He had never popped up under that group, and I most definitely had deleted his name from the bloody “Bots” group. I don’t understand. Either my IM service has officially become smarter than me (possible), or fate is playing a cruel joke on me.

I can’t get rid of this guy! And I’m not sure if I have the heart to delete him twice. Damn! Foiled again. Le sigh.

Update: I lied. After discovering something I would rather not have known and makes me sick to my stomach, I absolutely have the heart to delete him again.


Oob said...

Good for you! Especially the last edit.

Luckily mine was never tech-savvy enough to invade my online homes... but I still wonder if he still reads. Le sight is right. Harrumph.

Ha Ha Sound said...

Yeah, props to you for being able to remain friends with people after breaking up with them. I find it really hard to do. But if you need to make a clean break for your own sense of well being, then you totally should. No shame there. And good for you. =+)

Casey said...

@ oob: Thanks. I feel much better about it now. Funny how it took something that made me feel so shitty to make me feel better.

@ haha: Yeah it's weird, it's never something that I set out and try to do, it kind of just happens on its own. And thanks =)