Monday, January 7, 2008

The Writer's Strike Is Ruining My Life, Part II

The Golden Globes are cancelled.


Ha Ha Sound said...

Were you going? If so, that does suck.

The only awards show I really, really like are the Oscars. It's so much fun to get together with a bunch of friends, get drunk and scream at the TV whenever somebody you hate wins an Academy Award.

Hope you're feeling better!! xoxo

Sid said...

The strike is still on?

Oob said...

Jeebus. This just stinks, all around. I miss my shows, not to mention that I adore the GGs. Take care of you!

Casey said...

@ Ha Ha: I wish! But no. I do love to watch them, though. It just sucks that people that have worked so hard can't get properly recognized for their accomplishments because the strike is still going.

@ Sid: You bet. With no real end in sight, unfortunately.

@ Oob: Agreed on both counts!