Friday, January 25, 2008

Getting Back Into The Scha-Wing Of Things

So, obviously, I'm back in New York. And not quite sure how I feel about the situation. Hmm.

Since I've been back in the apartment, my four roommates and I have:

-cooked an exorbitant amount of food.
-managed to make the place a mess two days after the cleaning people were here.
-watched endless amounts of Arrested Development episodes.
-watched Clerks. And Clerks II. Multiple times.
-quoted Arrested Development episodes. All day, every day.
-accomplished absolutely nothing.

Productivity, onward!


Ha Ha Sound said...

My completely unsolicited advice? Enjoy the downtime. Before you know it, you'll be back into the full swing of crazy, hectic NYC life and wishing that you had some quiet time to enjoy yourself.

But anyway, hope you're feeling better. =+)

And BTW, what's your email addy? It's not on the site anyplace, and I have a work-related question for you. And don't worry, I'm not trying to get an agent. =+)

Casey said...

I know, there have been so many times when my schedule is crazy that I would kill for some time to just sit and relax, which is essentially what I've been doing for almost a month. And I'm sure I'll miss it once I get back into normal business, but right now I just want to be able to go from my bedroom to the kitchen in under ten minutes. But thanks =)

My email is Fire away!

Oob said...

Scha-wing! (Go on with your Wayne's W0rld references.)

Welcome back to civilization! How are you managing nyc with that foot, you poor thing? And more importantly, how are you gonna root for the Pats in a cast???

(fyi, I'm cheering for NY, but only out of association/underdog factor. I'm a transplant fan, not a die hard one. But good luck on going 19-0!)

Sid said...

Wish I had your life. I've heard that they cancelled Arrested Development though ...?

modelbehavior said...

Sounds like a promising start to the semester. Don't start watching Dexter. You'll never stop!

Casey said...

@ oob: Haha, thanks! Though I don't consider myself to be completely back in civilization since I leave my apartment at most once a day, if that, and I have virtually no social life outside my roommates and whoever comes over to hang out. When I do make it out, its cabs all the way. As for the Pats, I have to go home again this weekend for another appointment with my surgeon, so I'll be in Patriots territory, thank God! ;)

@ sid: No you don't!!! I would kill to be able to walk right now. I will never again take for granted the simply ability of getting up and walking across the room without it being a huge process! As for Arrested, unfortunately and for reasons I will NEVER understand, yes it was cancelled a few years ago. But collectively, my roommates and I have every season on DVD and we've seen every episode way too many times.

@ MB: I've heard Dexter is VERY good and VERY addicting. You're right, that's the last thing I need...though now you've planted the idea in my head...