Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacWorld 08...Does Anyone Really Care?

I was debating whether or not to even do a post about this, but I've got nothing better to do and there's nothing on TV right now. So! You may not know what today is, but for nerds everywhere, it's practically a national holiday. It's the day Apple has a big convention and unveils its newest products.

The big item this year is the MacBook Air, a super-thin laptop that...well, doesn't really do anything. It's a laptop. And it's thin. Anorexically thin. Oh, and it has a touchpad, like the iPhone and iPod Touch. And...yeah, that's about it. I'm a big fan of macs and I think most of their stuff is pretty cool, even though I don't really understand most of it. However, even I can see that this thing is kind of lame. Gizmodo did a review of it, and from the information I got there, it seems like something that's cool to look at, but inherently flawed. It has no removable battery, which is a huge problem, and only one USB port. There's also no Ethernet. That wouldn't be a problem for me since I'm wireless everywhere, but not everyone is. (Yet.) Someone noted that the touchpad is less responsive than the iPhone. Oh, that's great. Your new product is less functional than your phone? And then there's the price. $1800 for that? And for a slightly bigger hard drive, $3100? Who's going to buy that other than people with money to throw away? This seems like the type of product that would be someone's second or third computer, and that price is not very conducive to that. My laptop was only slightly less expensive than $1800 and I use it for everything. Yet I feel like if someone bumped into me on the subway during a crowded commute, this thing would snap like a Necco wafer.

Yeah, it's cool looking. And as someone pointed out, it will be the cool thing to impress everyone around you at Starbucks. Someone else commented that it attracts girls, and that made me laugh. I don't know what girls he has in mind, but I don't know any attractive women that would go for a guy because he had one of these. What world are you living in, pal? Yikes. It's kind of sad, now that I think about it. Anyway! Now that everyone and their mother has an iPhone and they're not that cool anymore, I suppose this is the next new thing. Though I don't know anyone who would want one.

However, they also came out with a new iPod Touch with a bunch of new applications. Damn! Why do they do this after Christmas?

End extremely nerdy slash lame post. If my friends saw this, they'd make fun of me endlessly. Back to the TV!

Edit: I hope they weren't planning on this to help their business, considering Apple stock is down. Yikes. Coincidence that today it took a nosedive?


Scripty said...

Hello, just came upon your blog and it's a great read! Nice to see others in the film industry out there in the blogosphere!

Casey said...

Hey, thanks! Always happy to connect with other people in the business. Your blog looks great! I'll definitely be a regular reader.

Oob said...

Color me underwhelmed. :-)

Ha Ha Sound said...

Being a long time Mac user, one thing I've learned over the years is to never buy any of their products as soon as they come out. The first version is always inferior with a lot of bugs.

And yeah, that new laptop seems like it'd be destroyed if you misplaced it once by accident and then knocked into it.

Casey said...

@ oob: Exactly.

@ ha ha: RIGHT?!? Thank you.