Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: The Year In Semi-Review

Courtesy of Oob.

1) Where did you begin 2007?
Some of the guys had a party at their house in Boston. I don’t actually remember what I was doing at midnight because I was already blackout by that point. But at some point I texted my boss, and my then-boyfriend, (I’ll call him Runner) who I was (not surprisingly) fighting with at the time, and asked him if we were allowed to hook up with other people. Bitch.

2) What was your status by Valentine’s Day?
Living in London.

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?

4) How did you earn your money?
No comment.

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Good question. I think this was the first year in a while that I didn’t. But I did go for other people, once to visit, twice to the ER. And we shot most of the film in a hospital, but I don’t think that counts.

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Oh, sure. Nothing too serious though.

7) Where did you travel this year?
London, all around Europe, I don’t think going back and forth between Boston and New York really counts, and I guess neither does going to Westchester or Connecticut. But I did finally go visit Ashley in her hometown.

8) What did you purchase that was over $1,000?
Mac laptop! I think that’s it. Though also my rent every month.

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
Jesus, yes. Too many, for that matter. It’s freaking me out.

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Unfortunately. Jill’s mom, my uncle Tom, my cousin Aaron’s dad.

11) Biggest surprise?
I’m starting to realize that after always being the one to worry about my friends growing apart, I’m actually the first one to begin to distance myself. Sometimes I feel like I’ve outgrown them…and yet I could never, ever live without them. Also, finding out that my great-uncle was a spy for the CIA.

12) Did you move anywhere?
Moved to London, moved home from London, moved back to New York into one apartment over the summer, into a new apartment in August.

13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Not enough concerts…Dispatch @ MSG, Cat Power, Mika, Dirty Pretty Things, Shoot the Messenger (Dan’s band). As for shows, I saw one in London every week, but the only one I saw in New York was opening night of Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp’s return to RENT, which was pretty sweet. The last time I saw them in those roles was 10 years ago.

14) Are you registered to vote?
Fuck yes!

15) Who did you want to win Dancing with the Stars?
Never watched it. My parents enjoy it though.

16) Where do you live now?

17) Describe your birthday?
In one word—awesome.

18) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
-Travel around Europe by myself on a few occasions and actually put my Spanish and Italian to good (and extremely necessary) use.
-Break it off—for good this time—with Runner and actually make it out alive. Which I did, but barely.
-Try to get my health in order. It’s a long, ongoing process.

19) What has been your favorite moment?
Far too many. Probably one of the best ones was when Andi, one of my best friends in London, purposely missed his flight home to come back and surprise me. Taking my parents to a pub on St. Patrick’s day. Wrapping the film. Watching the sunset on the beach in Sardinia. Finding out that Aaron was home from Iraq. Hanging out with Clive Owen. Any of the nights in London when we would stay out all night before going to the airport to travel and still be drunk on the plane and wake up not knowing what country we were in. Hearing Ethan dedicate a song to me on his radio show. Getting hired by my current employer. Hearing my screenplay being performed and getting praised for it. Playing soccer in the park. Any morning getting breakfast at the Curved Angel. End of the year party at Vie. Crossing the Waterloo bridge at dawn. Breaking into the private gardens. Meeting Sam Rockwell. Seeing Carl before he moved to Hawaii. Sox winning the Series again. Beth’s wedding in general. Hamptons over Labor Day weekend in general. My birthday in general. Damn, looking back, I’m pretty lucky.

20) What's something you learned about yourself?
A lot. London was one big learning experience. Also: semi-figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life, discovering that I can produce a film, realizing I’m not going to end up with Runner and being okay with it.

21) Any new additions to your family?
Do weddings count?

22) What was your best month?
Too hard to decide. Any of the months I was in London, probably.

23) What music will you remember 2007 by?
I am the wrong person to ask this question. I could go on for hours. Let’s just say that I literally have a playlist for every month.

24) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
All my friends from home, hands down.

25) Favorite night out?
Tooooooo many.

I’m realizing that most of my answers to these questions center around London, but I was there for almost half of the year, and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had, other than living in Africa last summer. And despite some of the tragedies, and my health problems, it’s been a pretty damn good year. I really can’t complain.

I’ve been trying to figure out in the past few days if 2007 was better than 2006. It’s hard to say. In ’06, I spent time in Mexico and the summer in Africa; in ’07 I lived in London and traveled all around Europe. In ’06, I moved into an unbelievable apartment; in ’07 I moved into another fabulous apartment. (I still can’t get over how lucky I’ve been in terms of housing) We had a wedding in both years. On paper, both years seem kind of similar, but I feel like I’ve changed so, so, much in the last year.

It’s been a good year. But I think the next year is going to be even better, if not even more eventful. Bring on 2008!


Ha Ha Sound said...

Sounds like you had quite an amazing year, actually!! Glad to hear that your health has improved, and congrats on producing your film. We should talk shop one of these days.

And happy new year!! xoxo

Casey said...

Come to think of it, I really did. I'm pretty lucky. And same to you! xx