Monday, December 10, 2007

Excuses, Excuses and the Procrastination Solvent

Why I Know I'm In The Right Business, Exhibit #327628:

After being thirty minutes late to meet me one afternoon, a colleague rushes in and explains, only half-apologetically, "Sorry I'm late, I was having lunch with Javier Bardem."


Meanwhile, if you, like me, are a procrastinating champ and/or if you are, also like me, someone who can not get any work done without music playing in the background, this will be your saving grace next time you need to accomplish anything work or study-related. [Courtesy of HackCollege via LifeHacker]


Ha Ha Sound said...

Yeah, that kind of thing is pretty cool. I just recently got signed by a manager, and he's always off having meetings with studio heads and whatnot. Quite cool.

As for me, when I write I listen to jazz. Like, the old school '50s and '60s stuff. It just kind of helps to get me into a creative place.

And whenever I need inspiration, I put on the Unforgettable Fire.

Anyway, cool blog. I'll be back for sure.

Casey said...

I agree on the jazz thing--I'm a sucker for Coltrane.

I've only heard part of the Unforgettable Fire album (if that's what you were referring to) but now I'm curious to hear it in entirety.

And thanks!