Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rebirthing the blog.

Oh boy, here we go again. So this will from now on be my new home in cyberspace--for now at least. I decided it was best to start anew, so I ditched the old blog and created a fresh one. Because why not? And I like blogspot. The Africa blog still exists on this server (if anyone's even interested), but its pretty sparse--having limited internet access had limited my posting. Anyway, so here we are. I would have liked to keep my same old name (caseyliz) but apparently someone on Blogger is already using it, so I threw in the hyphen.

The title of this one comes from a quote in the Tom Stoppard play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. It's one of my favorite plays, and if you haven't read it, you should. Anyway, the quote is as follows:

"We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as an entrance to something else."

I find it fitting, since the following months of my life are sure to be filled with exits and entrances and changes in general. More on that to follow. For now, I'll leave you with another quote from the play which I particularly like. Though I'm positive no one is reading this yet since I haven't given the link to anyone.

"We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except the memory of the smell of smoke and the presumption that once our eyes watered."

I feel that this is something that I've been living my life by in the past years and will continue to do so in the ones that follow. Stay tuned!

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